Hearing Aid Improvements

Glasses are for people losing their sight. If a person gets a tooth ache, the dentist is called. If we break our leg, we see our the doctor to set and put it in a cast.

But when most people’s hearing starts to go as they age all they do is turn up the TV, strain to listen, and decide they just have to live with it. Why is it we humans have such an issue about needing hearing aids? According to reports by the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders over 28 million people suffer some form of hearing loss.

No matter what your circumstances are, you can find a hearing aid. Yes, we all remember our grandparents and the hearing aids that looked like a small transistor radio complete with wires running from pocket to ear, but they have definitely improved them with digital technology just like computers.

These new digital aids use a microphone, battery, receiver, as well as a computer chip, and give an audiologist the flexibility of adjusting it as needed. You can more easily hide or disguise your hearing aid, and you can get it perfectly calibrated to your specific level of hearing.

Hearing loss happens differently in everyone. For a lot of folks their problem is distinguishing lower sounds, yet others will find it’s the higher frequencies that they can’t hear. Sounds such as vowels are on the low-end level and consonants on the high-end, because of this people with hearing loss often are unable to hear certain words and are left having to guess at what was said.

In other people volume is the problem. Everything they hear comes across softer than it really is. This causes them to turn the volume up on the television or radio and to constantly ask others to repeat themselves.

Hearing tests can be used to determine exactly how a hearing aid needs to be adjusted for each persons needs. It’s advisable to get tested annually, starting with the first sign that you might be losing your hearing. Hearing experts are described at three levels. First, there are medical doctors called “otolaryngologists,” otherwise known as “Ear, Nose, and Throat” specialists, or ENT’s. Their role is to diagnose and determine possible medical reasons behind hearing loss.

Audiologist are usually only required to have a master’s degree and have to obtain a license to practice from the state. Thirdly, there are individuals called hearing aid dipensers who do not carry the same credentials or have the degree of education as an audiologist. They do, however, need to be certified by the state. These latter professionals are usually more like salespeople and tend to associate themselves with a particular hearing aid manufacturer. Compared to an audiologist, you don’t need as much education, but a state certification is still necessary.

There are currently four kinds of hearing aids available. The smallest hearing aid is called “completely in the canal” and is almost invisible. they are also the most expensive. They are most frequently used for those patients who have severe to profound hearing loss issues.

The next device that is available is called “in the canal.” While these are a bit bigger than the “completely in the canal” instruments, they’re still able to fit quite a way down the ear canal. The battery for a canal bearing aid is bigger, and you’ll use these if your hearing loss is moderate.

We’ve gone from “completely in the canal” to “in the canal” and arrive at “in the ear” devices. As opposed to the two former types of aids, these instruments are more visible, as they are worn outside of the canal. These types of aids are applicable for a wide range of hearing loss. The most well know hearing instruments are the “behind the ear” devices, which use a larger battery, are inside a case that goes over and behind an ear, and gives greater amplification than most of the smaller instruments. You can still obtain an analog hearing aid at small price, but you have to understand that they do not have the advanced technology of the newer versions.

Hearing loss is felt by over 28 million people in America today. First, you may be surprised to learn that 28 million people are afflicted with hearing loss. First, a hearing impairment can happen any time an obstruction, injury, or disease affects any of the structures in the ear. For about 95 percent of those dealing with loss of hearing, the newer hearing aids are capable of correcting that hearing loss.

Younger generations are beginning to experience more hearing loss than ever before. Case in point. There was a 17 percent increase of hearing impairment among 18 to 44 year-olds from 1971 to 1990. Otitis media is the most common culprit behind a temporary loss of hearing. is the main culprit of temporary hearing loss.

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