Common Signs Of Hearing Loss

There are many different signs of hearing loss, the five signs listed here are what we would consider to be the five most common.

Having to have things repeated over and over again

This is very frustrating for both parties, and one of the classic signs of hearing loss. Have you ever been talking to somebody and asked them to repeat what they have just said more than once? This may sound quite miniscule but is one of the first signs of hearing loss and one that shouldn’t be brushed under the carpet. Just take a step back and think to yourself every time you ask somebody to repeat what they are saying.

Everyday noises appear to have stopped

This symptom is much more subtle than asking people to repeat themselves and is probably not a sign you would even think about unless you have some form of suspicion that you are suffering from hearing loss in the first place. Sound runs across all different frequencies: if you are suffering from hearing loss certain frequencies may disappear slowly and everyday noises such as the birds singing or the motorway in the distance or even passing aircraft may seem to stop. In reality we all know they haven’t stopped you just may not be able to hear them anymore.

People seem to mumble all the time

Another common sign of losing your hearing is when you start to think that other people are mumbling all the time. This may sound like a bizarre symptom, but can be quite distressing especially if you start to tell people to stop mumbling. In reality, they are not mumbling: certain words and sounds ride on the same frequency and your hearing loss may be affecting these sounds, which gives the impressions that people are mumbling because you can’t hear them clearly.

The television is too loud

Have you ever been told that you have the television, radio or any other device turned up to loud? If so, then this is another classic sign that there is something wrong with your hearing. You probably wouldn’t notice this on your own, so unfortunately for those people who live on their own this symptom may never become apparent but is still worth considering if you believe there is something wrong.

Audio confusion when sound is coming from multiple sources

Imagine you are watching television and somebody is vacuuming upstairs. Then somebody in another room tries to talk to you and you find it extremely difficult to block out the other noises and concentrate on what is being said. This symptom can be ruled out simply by putting it down to being too noisy; we are just trying to highlight the possibility that if you are struggling to hear somebody talking to you from another room whilst there are other things going on then there may be an issue.

There are numerous other symptoms of hearing loss, but we wanted to draw your attention to just a few of them. The main point that we are addressing is that if any of the above applies to you even slightly then you really should consult a local audiologist for their professional opinion- as your hearing is too precious to ignore.

Written on behalf of Digital Hearing Care and Discount Hearing Aids