Childhood ADHD Statistics – Ten Interesting Statistics About ADHD

Childhood ADHD statistics an interesting subject to say the least. This condition that only ten years age many experts thought was only a figment of peoples imagination has now grown into one of the major health and learning concerns in children today. But before we get into these interesting childhood ADHD statistics let’s take a moment to review ADHD as described by the American Medical Association.

The AMA describes ADHD as a mental illness characterized by difficulty paying attention and a high degree of restlessness and impulsive behavior. Symptoms begin before the age of 7, last for at least six months, and cause a child substantial difficulty in at least two setting, usually family and school. In some cases, the disorder resolves during adolescence. More often, it last into adulthood and becomes a lifelong condition, although the symptoms become less pronounced. END

Childhood ADHD statistics are an eye opening subject that some parents will find surprising while others will interpret them is shocking.

Let’s look ten interesting facts.

* Some estimates have the incidence of ADHD as high as one in four but a more realistic estimate is around 8 percent.
* The initial onset of ADHD in children is usually by the age of three but the condition is generally is not diagnosed before the age of six or seven.
* Ten years ago the number of boys thought to have the condition was ten times greater than the number or girls today the number ranges from 3 to 5 times greater.
* Nine years ago the number of school aged children on the stimulant ADHD medication Ritalin was estimated at two million, today that number has tripled.
* Food allergies and sensitivities are responsible for only about 2 percent of ADHD cases in children.
* About two out of ten children with ADHD have learning disabilities
* Eight out of every ten children with ADHD are academic underachievers.
* Four out of every ten affected children have issues with self esteem, depression, anxiety or authority by the time they reach adolescence.
* Six out of ten young children affected by the disorder have a higher incidence of temper tantrums than their peers.
* Almost one out of every two children with the condition is hostile and negative in their behavior.

What Next?

Certainly if your child has ADHD finding the best form of treatment for your particular situation would be the next step. For many the answer has been found in an unlikely place; homeopathy. Whether you are worried about the side effects posed by prescription drugs for ADHD treatments or you want to get to the root of the problem rather than just suppress symptoms, ADHD alternative treatment methods will deliver powerful, lasting results. Rather than putting your child’s health at risk by giving them potent prescription drugs, try alternative ADHD therapy so you can help your child live a productive, symptom-free life safely and naturally.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase