Weight Loss with Human Growth Hormones

Secreted from the pituitary gland of the body, growth hormones are very important for the normal and proper functioning of the human body. When we are young, the secretion of these hormones is more. With age, the percentage of secretion reduces considerably. It has been observed that after a particular age, the secretion becomes almost nil. It is then that growth hormone supplements are required to make the body function properly.

Apart from growth and development of the body, these hormones are also directly related to the metabolic system in humans. Excess or deficiency of these hormones creates an impact on the metabolic system. HGH supplements also act as weight loss drug for people who suffer from problem of weight gain or obesity.

It is the function of the human growth hormones to increase the amount of IGF-1, which is actually secreted from the human liver. IGF-1 is responsible for preventing insulin from carrying glucose to cells. After the intake of food, it is the function of the pancreas to release insulin, which actually transforms the carbohydrates in the food to glucose. The glucose that is produced is stored in the fat cells of the body. These cells release energy when required. It is when the HGH induced IGF-1 hinders insulin from assimilating glucose in cells, that the human body requires to burn the fat for releasing energy.

In normal cases, humans use the glucose reserve in the body for the production of energy. As a result the fat reserves are not used for energy production and that adds to the weight of an individual. However, the growth hormones compel the body to use the fat reserves first to produce energy than using the glucose reserve. This directly leads to weight-loss of the body.

There is another advantage of human growth hormones. As these hormones make the body burn fat for energy production, the process continues even when we are inactive or sitting idle, without doing any work. Since energy is required for all activities, the growth hormone also burns the fat when we are sleeping.

Scared of additional weight gain? HGH is a boon for people who love to eat but are conscious of the weight gain associated with it. The hormone gives you the liberty of enjoying large amounts of good food without the fear of putting on excessive unwanted weight. In one word it can be said that HGH is the answer to dieting. You do not need to diet now to lose weight.

Your body will also be able to grow new muscle cells with HGH supplements. The muscle density also increases with this growth hormone. Most importantly, with correct amount of growth hormones in your body, you will have a good and healthy metabolic system. This will directly influence the energy levels in your body and keep you active. More healthy the metabolic system of your body, more will be the fat loss, thus reducing your weight directly. So even without exercising, you can lose your body weight with the help of growth hormones.

Author’s Bio:

Jaimin Patel has gained prominence in the healthcare industry for his expert advice on various health related issues like human growth hormones, weight gain, skincare and many more. Go to his GenF20 Plus website to know more about him.