ADHD and the Facts – Just the Facts

Often times you do a search; only to find flawed information that is void of substance little alone has any credible facts. This article titled “ADHD and the Facts” tries to give you the important and interesting facts about ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder). In gathering these facts we have tried to only report the most recent facts available. This may not sound all that important but medical information tends to change rapidly due to ongoing research. Much of the information available concerning ADHD, and the facts associated with this condition, was printed prior to 2000.

ADHD and the Facts – 10 Characteristics Most often Encountered

1. Hyperactivity
2. Perceptual motor impairment
3. Emotional instability
4. General coordination deficit
5. Disorders of attention
6. Impulsiveness
7. Disorders of memory and thinking
8. Specific learning disabilities
9. Disorders of speech and hearing
10. Equivocal neurological signs and electroencephalographic irregularities

ADHD and the Facts – Signs of ADHD by Condition

* Signs of Inattention: easily distracted; often forgetful; avoids/dislikes tasks that require sustained effort; difficulty organizing tasks and activities; fails to complete tasks; fails to listen when spoken to; difficulty sustaining attention both at work and play; fails to pay close attention to details;

* Signs of Impulsivity: has difficulty waiting his turn; interrupts or intrudes on others; shouts out answers before question has been asked;

* Signs of Hyperactivity: talks endlessly; regularly on the go and behaves as if “driven by a motor”; runs about or climbs excessively; difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly; can’t stay seated either at school or elsewhere; fidgets with feet or hands continually;

ADHD and the Facts – Interesting Facts on ADHD

* Up to 10% of school aged children are affected
* 10 times more boys are diagnosed than girls
* 1 out of every 5 children with ADHD has a learning disability
* 8 out of every 10 children with ADHD has academic problems
* 4 out of every 10 children with ADHD experience problems with self esteem, resistance to authority, depress, or anxiety

ADHD and the Facts – Treatment Options

* Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs come in three varieties; Short and intermediate term stimulants (ex. Ritalin); Long term stimulants (ex. Adderall XR); Non-stimulant prescription drugs (ex. Strattera)

* Mind and Body Therapy – Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation seem to be gaining popularity due to their ability to reduce stress and anxiety in ADHD adults and children. These types of mind and body therapies tend to help people learn to breathe more effectively, allow for better oxygen flow to the brain.

* Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD are safe for all ages, no long or short term side effects, are effective for behavioral problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These natural formulas can be used as stand alone treatments or in conjunction with other therapies.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about homepathic natural health visit Purchase