Nutrition Tips to Help You Lose Weight

When trying to lose weight and make the right food choices, many people go the wrong route and limit themselves from eating certain foods. It doesn’t help either that we get all of these contradictory messages from the trainers, media, and brand names that are only trying to make as much money as possible. Here are a few food tips to help you reach your fitness and health goals.

My first advice I would give you is not to worry so much about limiting yourself from eating a certain type of food. i.e. I don’t think it is so healthy to completely limit yourself from eating fats, or carbs. It’s just not necessary to completely eliminate a food in order to lose weight and be healthy. Like anything in life, moderation and balance is the real key to success.

The things that you do need to stay away from are the foods that are processed and have all the fillers to make it taste better but keep the cost down. Putting these foods in your body constantly will end up slowing down your metabolism so you put on more dangerous fat and be at risk for related illnesses.

Make sure that you are getting plenty of protein in your diet. Protein will help you build muscle which will help you burn more fat and protein rich foods will keep your hunger cravings to a minimum.

You shouldn’t limit yourself from carbs, but when you do eat carbs, try to eat only fiber rich foods. Vegetables, fruits, and 100% whole wheat products are the best carbs you can get. Eating other carb products like sugars and refined grains is why and how people balloon up after they eat carbs.

By all means go ahead and don’t be afraid to eat foods high in fat content. If you limit the amount of good fat your body gets, it will just end up storing more of it when you do eat it. Good fats that you body needs would be foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, eggs, and certain meats.

Besides avoiding processed foods like fast foods and many store bought filler foods, there are two other things I would advise you stay away from as well. Stay away from trans fats and deep fat fried foods like you get at any fast food restaurant. And also try to avoid HFCS or high fructose corn syrup products that is in pretty much all sodas and sweetened products in the market today.

Sticking with this advice will help you out a lot in your efforts to lose weight and live a healthier life.

For more nutrition tips to help you lose weight faster, visit Joey’s Ab Workouts website and sign up for free weight loss tips and ab training. Visit Joey’s website at