Facts About Dust Mites-10 Important Dust Mite Facts For Those With Allergies

Dust mites are one of the most common and potent indoor allergy triggers. Knowing as much about these little bugs as possible will help you reduce their population and manage dust mite allergies effectively. Here are 10 facts about dust mites that will help.

1. They don’t bite. Even though this is true, they can still wreak havoc in your bedroom if you are allergic. Their fecal material contains a protein that is at the root of allergy and asthma flare-ups. It can also cause eczema which usually presents as dry, scaly skin in a variety of places on the body.

2. They are an invisible enemy. The human eye needs magnification in order to be able to see a dust mite. So looking at your bed will not reveal these little critters to you, as they measure less than half a millimeter in length.

3. Your bed is ideal. This is because they thrive in warm, dark, moist environments. They go airborne with normal activities such as making the bed, tossing pillows, and shaking out linens.

4. Reactions vary and can change over time. Most people become more sensitive the longer they exposed to mites. That’s why it’s so important to minimize their numbers.

5. They feed on dander. Dead skin flakes (dander) are food for these bugs. If your pet sleeps in or on the bed, this makes even more dander available. An increase in the amount of dander can cause a rapid acceleration in the population.

6. They use their size against you. Because they are so incredibly small, they are able to crawl between the threads of your linens, mattresses and pillows and reproduce there. Using dust mite covers can interrupt the reproductive cycle and prevent this from happening.

7. Their color helps them hide. They are cream-colored and round in shape. They have 8 legs and belong to the spider family.

8. Children are at great risk. Studies show that children who are continually exposed to dust mite fecal material are more likely to develop asthma, allergies, and eczema.

9. There are ways to determine the severity of the problem. There are detection kits available for sale in stores and online. You can also magnify bits of dust to determine

10. There is no way to completely eliminate them. You can reduce their numbers by washing bed linens weekly in water that is 140 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter. Replace carpeting with floors that are able to be more thoroughly cleaned such as wood, vinyl, or tile.

And filtering the air with a HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) air purifier that can continually reduce the population is an effective, pro-active, and eco-friendly way to manage the problem.

Reduce the dust mite population and get a leg up on your allergies with help from the Allergy Air Purifier from PurerAir.com at http://purerair.com/allergy_machine.html