Interesting And Surprising Facts About Babies

It’s a fair assumption that you already know some things about babies. You know that they take a while to recognize most people but they understand on instinct who their mother is even within a minute of being born. There is no set rate for baby development, but most people already understand that fact. In fact, there are no exact dates for any of the major development milestones.  Even within the first few years of a person’s life there are millions of fascinating changes and although it may not look that complicated, the truth is that growing up is fraught with challenges and changes!

Did you already know that there are three hundred bones in an infant’s body? After a person finishes growing up he or she only has two hundred and six bones. The reason you have fewer bones as an adult is that some of the bones you are born with fuse with other bones-not because you lose anything along the way. It is a commonly held belief that the fusing of the bones is what causes adults to lose some of their flexibility-because the individual bones can no longer move independently of each other. If you look at a baby’s flexibility and compare it to your own, this might make a lot of sense.

Music can be heard and recognized by babies even before they are born! By the thirty fourth week of development in the womb a baby can hear and identify songs. A baby can spend more than a month in utero listening to and appreciating different songs. Some mothers even report that their babies will move in time to the beat of certain songs. This means that your child is already showing his or her music preferences-while in the womb! How fantastic is that?

Even though you want to avoid mercury, you can still have fish-just make sure it is a mercury free species! Salmon is a fish that is highly recommended by doctors because it does not contain any mercury and it is full of vitamins and minerals that are good for you and your growing fetus. There are experts out there who believe that eating fish while she is pregnant can help a mother improve the function of her baby’s brain and that will help her child develop superior communication skills later in life-more so than those children born to mothers who did not eat fish. This has not yet been proven beyond a doubt so if you do not eat fish, there is no need to panic. There are all sorts of fascinating new discoveries in childhood development every day. What scientists believe as fact today could be proven false tomorrow! With new knowledge being presented almost every minute is it any wonder that people are so stymied by early childhood development? The good news is that keeping up with the changes does not have to be hard. Infancy is more complex than people think. Babies are complex humans with a very specific set of needs. Learning how to communicate with them is very important. You should do everything you can to learn how your baby will develop. Your parenting skills will be better if you understand what is going on.

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