Facts About Acai Berries

Acai berries are mainly harvested in the rain forests of Brazil and come from a very special type of palm tree found in the Amazon which is also known as the Acai palm.

Acai, pronounced as ah-sigh-ee , has shown a tremendous increase in popularity in  the past few years,

What really takes the Acai berries to a completely different level is its rich chocolaty taste. Acai fruit products are totally jam packed with essential amino acids, fatty acids ,antioxidants and detoxifying agents. Such qualities almost make the fruit appear magical.

You might be probably wondering about the hype created about Acai berries, after hearing about it on TV and radio and even from your own friends, you, quite naturally, might be curious about this little fruit, and might be wondering that why should you eat it. What is so special about these berries from the Amazons?

Acai berries are small fruits that grow on special types of trees known as acai palm trees, found in South and Central America. They look similar in grapes in their appearance but are comparatively much darker in colour, almost blackish-purple. The pulp and juice extracted from this fruit are used in a large variety of juices, smoothies, sodas and many more types of beverages.

Acai fruits contain many nutrients like polyphelnols, calcium, fatty enzymes and vitamin E and  give many nutritional benefits to the consumer. They also have omega 9 (oleic acid) and is great for the body’s immunity system. Acai fruit also helps in lowering the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) of the body and due to this excellent nutritional capacity of the berries, it is one of the major components of the diet of the people of the Amazon. The skin of these berries contains anthocyanin,  which is an antioxidant found in red wine. So this implies that even the skin of these fruits, along with its pulp is beneficial for the body.

Many discoveries are being made about the acai berry. Researchers have successfully used Acai berries in MRI scans, as dyeing agents, antibacterial, anti mutagens and as anti inflammatory agents.

No matter in whatever manner you choose to consume the Acai berry, it will always benefit your health.

The acai berry has been taking the food and health industry by storm.

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Acai and Acai Berry.