Hearing Problems

Our ears have two main functions to hear and maintain balance. Throughout our life span, the hearing function gets worn out and less effective. It is a fact, one in three people over age of 65 has a hearing problem and 50% of seniors more than the age of 75 also have hearing problems. But you don’t need to put up with it. Find professional help and find the best treatment for you. It may be be that a simple, modern hearing aid is exactly right for you. Hearing loss is often due to over-exposure to high volume sound, heredity or both.

The indications you are suffering from loss of hearing is pretty easy to detect:

A) You will notice that everybody sounds muffled when they are talking.
B) It is challenging to decipher their words easily.
C) You have to ask for others to speak more slowly or loudly.
D) You always seem to need to increase the volume on your home entertainment or TV set.

Should you suffer from any of the above problems it is quite likely that you will have a yearning to retreat from personal interaction and make every effort to side step social settings. In effect you are embarrassed by your loss of hearing.

Nearly all hearing difficulties result from impairment to the cochlea ( a coiled construction in the inner ear accountable for hearing ). This disability is commonly an outcome of excessive exposure to loud noises of 85 decibel or more. A decibel is the unit used to rate degrees of loudness and is Frequently shortened to dB.

Other frequent causes of hearing problems are:

A) Infections of the ear
B) Abnormal boney growths.
C) Tumors in the outer or middle ear.
D) Ruptured ear drums.

Other non-age interrelated causes for deafness are Auditory Neuropathy, Meniere’s Disease, Noise Ostosclerosis and Usher’s Syndrome.

There are three fundamental types of hearing difficulty:

Type # 1 – Conductive Hearing Loss

This happens if sound is not transmitted successfully to the middle ear, which may well be caused by fluid, earwax, infection, foreign matter or abnormality of the middle or outer ear.

Type # 2 – Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This condition happens after there has been some sort of impairment to the inner ear ( cochlea ) or to the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain. Disease, birth injury, drugs or genetic syndromes can be other causes of Sensorineural hearing loss. Further causes may well include noise exposure, viruses, head injury, tumors and a persons age.

Folk suffering from this type of hearing difficulty could show a lack of speech comprehension.

Type # 3 – Mixed Hearing Loss

On occasion a person may well suffer from conductive hearing loss along with a Sensorineural hearing loss. This type of problem is recognized as mixed hearing loss.

A person can exhibit a loss of hearing in one ear or the other ear. The degree of the severity of hearing impairment in each ear may well be equal or disparate. The loss of hearing can either present suddenly or over an extended interval of time.

Some folks suffer with hearing losses that fluctuate and their problem may well go downhill or get better erratically. This is typically caused by an ear infection causing conductive hearing impairment.

If you suspect you experience a hearing difficulty, you must consult your health specialist to acquire a qualified diagnosis and appropriate care for your problem. Treatment may be very simple or may require the fitting of a modern hearing aid.

Michael Jay Writes on many subjects if you would like to read more you can go to his “hearing” Blog… http://www.Comparehearingaids.Org or for information on 100% natural treatment of hearing problems go to http://www.comparehearingaids.org/hearing-problems