Do You Have Human Growth Hormone Deficiency?

The Human Growth Hormone (Hgh), also known as somatotropin is a polypeptide hormone which stimulates growth and cell reproduction. It is produced in a part of the brain known as the pituitary gland.

Our body starts producing this hormone abundantly as soon as were born. The hgh is then absorbed into the liver and changed into growth factors which interact with the cells of our body. The interaction is very crucial for cell reproduction as it instructs the cells when to live and when to die.

The body produces hgh throughout our lifetime but is more plentiful when we were children and when we were in our youths. This hormone stimulates growth in children and plays a very important role in adult metabolism. Children need levels of hgh to grow up normally and adults need it for general health purpose.

The human growth hormone offers many benefits as it can control the aging process by increasing our energy levels, help children to grow taller, improve our skin texture, control our metabolism, help us gain muscle mass and keep body fat at bay amongst many other benefits. Some diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease can also be treated using hgh therapy.

Our levels of hgh peak at around the age of 20 to 30 and starts to decline rapidly thereafter and that is why we start to age in tandem. It is estimated that the level drops by about 15% every decade which leads to lesser energy and more fatigue as we get older. This decline can also lead to weight gain, bone deterioration and other symptoms of aging.

As hgh continue to decline with age, it can lead to serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, memory related disorders, sleeping disorders, decreased strength, increased body fat, decreased kidney function, erectile dysfunction, depression, arthritis, diabetes and poor concentration just to name a few. Therefore preventing deficiency of human growth hormone in our body is essential for proper cell replacement, good health and the general well being of our bodies.

When a medical doctor familiar with growth hormone deficiency does a physical examination, he/she can see obvious evidence of hgh deficiency. Some of the symptoms which the doctor may observe are loss of abdominal muscle tone with belly distension, sagging breasts in both male and females, hair loss, wrinkles with loose skin over the eyes and loose skin hanging in a fold in the anterior neck just under the chin etc.

You can also check to see if you have hgh deficiency by pulling a fold of skin from the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger. The skin should bounce back within a second after you release it. If not, then you may want to visit your doctor for more tests to see if you need hgh therapy.

However, hgh replacement therapy can be very expensive and come with the risks of unwanted side effects, so many people are now taking affordable hgh releasers to augment their own natural production. These over the counter products are usually developed from traditional herbs to help our bodies to produce more of our natural growth hormones and are available without prescription. Although these products are not as powerful as medical therapies, at least they are not as expensive and are safer.

Chris Chew is a health and fitness consultant. If you want to increase your hgh level naturally, then read Hgh products and Testosterone hormone increase libido