How Does an Ayurvedic Massage Differ From a Typical Massage?

There are few things in this world that are more relaxing and more necessary than a good massage. Quite simply put, it is the type of luxury treatment that people have to pay a premium for, but it always seems to be worth the cost. Whether it is on a vacation or simply rewarding yourself for a hard difficult week’s worth of work, getting a massage is a big time benefit to your health situation. What you might not know is that an Ayurvedic massage offers the same sort of benefit, with even more thrown in there for good measure.

When you go in for a standard massage, you get to experience the loosening of your muscles, but not much more. Sure, it can be relaxing for a short while, but you lose the feeling after the massage has ended. This is the primary difference between an Ayurvedic massage and a standard treatment. When you go in for Ayurveda, you are going to achieve a level of personal relaxation and satisfaction that will hopefully lead to something of a lifestyle change. The idea is to not only do one thing to make you feel better, but to give you the entire body and mind treatment.

As you will find when you head to an Ayurveda spa or a great Ayurveda resort, the entire idea behind an Ayurvedic massage is to reach a place of Panchakarma. It is getting to a state of happiness and a state of sustained contentment that only comes when your body is in complete harmony. You will experience Ayurvedic treatment that includes oils, a full body massage, and a complete emphasis on the pressure points associated with pain and tension.

The primary differences between just getting a regular massage and going in for an Ayurvedic massage is that, with the latter, you are going to have a professional work on each and every one of the pressure points associated with pain and tension. Ayurveda experts go after the places where your muscles, tendons, and ligaments meet, as these are the places which usually have the most pain. If you can get those massaged thoroughly, you can experience a new and revolutionary kind of relaxation and positive feeling. While a normal massage won’t help you deal with the long term issue of chronic arthritis, getting to a new, relaxed state of Panchakarma will help you relieve that pain.

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