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for best answer.current assets have decrease?
The current assets over the three years period have decrease. The current asset for 2004 was 130,000 but has be reduced to 100,000 in 2006.This is a lb30,000 difference over the three years and therefore a percentage lessen of 23 %. In terms of current assets the stock…
for best answer.current ratio and rushed ratio?
how does the current ratio helps to monitor the financial position of a business? why is the current ratio useful and what are the advantages? The current ratio is the ratio of current debts to current assets where on earth “current” is defined as very short term. …
for best answer.disadvantages of business nouns?
what can be the disadvantage for a business operating ethically?please give example. The top people don’t build as much money. You can’t skimp during tax season. You can’t pay personnel under the table. You have to treat your team fairly, which usually means shelling out more money…
for best answer.stipulation comfort to multiply the working funds?
balance sheet Sales = 67,700 EXPENSES Wages lb2,400 Drawings lb4,800 Materials and stock lb13,400 Advertising lb360 Repayments of loan lb7,500 Equipment and furniture lb9,000 Rent lb7,200 Electricity lb1,200 Telephone and internet lb300 Council 1,320 Wi-Fi 3 60 Fuel 1,440 Kitchen equipment 9,540 Insurance 3,000…
for best answer.web profit have decrease when the annual turnover and sale enjoy increased?
my business net profit has gone down as costs and turnover hold risen over the two years. It has decreased massively from 100,000 to a measly lb40,000 and it is strange given the increase within turnover and the small rise in…
FOR BEST NAME? Can you come up next to a double heading for a clean company similar to dollond and aitchison,etc?
Johnson & Johnson, Hamilton & Ridge. The company imports and sells full-size garden products. Thanks in Advance Dollison. Garden & Large Grass & Green Crown & Prince Tressel &…
10 year employment check, but individual be working 4 years due to age…serve?
hi, looking for info, applying for a job in payment and they require a 10year work history, im 23 so and have been working since 18 so own around 4 and half yeard work experience, is this ok, or when they say 10…
13 year ancient get a career contained by uk?
im 13 and i want to get a job i live contained by the uk and i know im allowed to do work from up to 25 hours a week i was thinking of working in a petrol station but does anyone else hold any…
13 Year antediluvian Job concept?
I’m 13 years old and i want to raise lb500, I don’t resembling the sound of babysitting and i’m not allowed to own a paper round, how can i earn money. I Speak German and can play the Guitar. If you are a bright lad or las tutor kids, more…
13yr antiquated ridge card minus interest?
hiya my sis wants a bank card that she can use online and within shops and take money out from cash machines but in need the interest…(in uk) can you tell me any names of bank that do it..thank you visa sells gift cards (which can be purchased next to…
14 and pennyless how to construct money..?
im always needing money and a moment ago want to know ways to make some as i cant get a employment for another 2years Baby sit… Lemonade Stand… Mow Lawns… Walk Dogs… e-Bay… Tutor people… Additional chores around the house (if your folks pay you for them)… Do…
14 Year infirm boy i entail a duty (not during university hours) cant acquire quality newspaper round, Can anyone oblige me?
Well im 14 just about to start gcse’s so theres not going to be much for my CV but i am wondering if i can win a weekend/Holiday’s Job i know i will get minimum…
14 Year old-fashioned boy i want a charge (not during academy hours) cant acquire daily round, Can anyone comfort me?
Well im 14 just about to start gcse’s so theres not going to be much for my CV but i am wondering if i can win a weekend/Holiday’s Job i know i will get minimum wage…
14 Years Old Needs Job!Please lend a hand?
Hello guys i need a job.I am 14 years aged . Please post some good jobs for my age! I entail money to buy my own website go to they have plenty of job for people of all ages. or you can other go into job1…
14. What is my business plan?
Hey, I love to care for peoples feet and be thinking for a future career to amenable a chiropodist shop, but i have no idea what i would entail to do for that NOW! Any one know?? please any help would be great thank you If you are…
15 Year infirm website business philosophy?
I’m thinking about creating a website which offers a service, one which I can profit from, does anyone hold any ideas to start me off? I can create a website no problem, so do you enjoy an idea I could use? Thank you. try Creating a trellis site…
16 and signed a business organization contract, is it lawfully binding?
Okay, so basically I got a bit carried away and signed a 3 month organization agreement. When I signed the contract, the sales person said he could hold it until the pause of the week based on the signature, but I would need to register…
16 year dated looking for a writing profession!?
Hi, i’m 16 years old and absolutely adore reading and writing stories, articles, reviews etc. I hold just finished my GCSE’s and am expecting to get A*s surrounded by both English language and English Literature and produced an extremely impressive coursework folder contained by which 4 of…
16/17 year mature job?
I’m 16 years old and have passed college leaving age so i can work full time. I currently have a staurday profession in a car dealership and really delight in my time there. I have a choice, do i stay on for 6th form at lofty school or do i get…
17.5% interest added onto £2.15?
and would any1 like 2 share how u work out percentages would b great relieve lb2.15 x 1’175 = lb2.526 or rounded to lb2.53 Note 1% =1/100 i.e 1% of lb100 =lb1 5% of lb100 = lb5 17.5% of lb100 = lb17.5 To add 17.5% all you call for…
17year ripened managing a shop?
So I’ve been working part time Saturday at this shop for almost 8months. I am adapted with the shop and has be told to open on Sundays ON MY OWN to get the extra change in. I was wondering whether this would be a virtuous idea or not, I’m 17 years…
1800 per month, how much after excise?
I am London. many thanks. It depends on income since 6th April, London doesn’t affect anything. All UK citizens return with a personal tax-free allowance of nearly lb6475 a year, which is proportioned out throughout the tax year (6th April to 5th April) at nearly lb540 a month. After…
1st class record transfer royal messages back?
I bought a small aftershave bottle off ebay and the seller posted the item on Wednesday [7th of July] by 1st Class Recorded Delivery. I didnt find it today but can I expect to get it tommorow? or on Saturday if they deliver on Saturdays? It is only a…
1st VAT Return for a small Letting Agency?
I’ve been asked to produce a quick instruction book 1st VAT Return for a friend who owns an agency. They don’t have their books up to date yet and no computerised accounts system. What is my best approach of tackling the task, as I’m used to computerised accounting?…
2 bedroomed property bills included (preferable) WANTED?
Hey, we are 2 adults and 1 17 year old who are looking to move in together. We are looking for a property around Walsall and wondered if anyone have anything that matched that description. Thank you x Put an advert in the local paper for that nouns…
2 career offer…give a hand?!?
I have been offered a commission as an apprentice hairdresser. At the moment i am just doing saturdays until she puts me in full time. I am individual being paid lb20 for a full year and im 20 nearly 21 so this doesn’t even meet national minimum wage, I know that…