The Anatomy Of A Postcard

Postcard printing is ideal for both small and large businesses that want to get their message across to their target clients as fast as possible. With a variety of designs and sizes, even cheap postcards enable any business to custom fit their marketing campaign to the specific requirements of the business. In addition to providing huge flexibility to the marketers, postcards are the easiest and fastest marketing tool to prepare – very ideal for those who want to have instant and ready-to-go marketing tools for their needs.

You can use your postcard printing basically for any marketing objective you have. But before you start creating and designing one for your business, you have to be familiar first with what can be found in a postcard.

There are actually two basic parts of a postcard: the front and the back. Both include information that is vital for your target readers to learn about you and what you can do.

The Front
The front part of the postcard is basically where your target readers will see and read your message. Hence, your front should be easy to scan and read – as easy as that of a billboard. Remember that even when your target readers are looking it over, they also don’t have a longer time to read everything you want to tell them. That is why you need to give your message to them in as concise and brief a manner as possible. In as fast as 7 seconds, in fact. So it is suggested that you limit the information to a few keywords and images that can communicate the core of your message. And try to answer the “W’ questions – what, where, when, why and how. This would give a quick summary of your overall message.

The Back
The postcard back usually covers your basic contact details and that of your recipients, and a more personalized message. It should have your name as sender, your address, as well as the recipient’s name and address.

On the left side of the back part, you can explain and elaborate further the offer that you have made at the front of your postcard. If you can, put the specifics of your offer in bulleted format. This is also where you should espouse the benefits you have that would entice them to take your offer.

Knowing the basic parts of your postcard is the very first thing that you should learn when you choose to print postcards as your marketing tools. By doing so, you are giving your marketing campaign more chances of customizing your message to the kind of offer that your target clients are looking for.

For more information, you can visit this page on postcard printing and cheap postcards